Wednesday, July 13, 2011

This, That and The Other...another novel

I promised I would blog sooner than thirty days, so I'll do it in 14. It's better than nothing, right? What's been up at our house? hubs is seriously doin' some work! Work, work, work! I on the other hand am bored out of my mind but not in the mood for anything. I think it's because I NEED TO WORK! When a busy-body has nothing to do and gets tired of doing the same mindless activities everyday, well, they I turn into a lazy bum that has zero motivation. I know this is normal when someone is in my position, my husband can totally vouch for me. He was laid off about two & a half years ago for 4-6 months (not nearly as long as me, except I wasn't laid off...I quit my job to go back to school. Finishing school THIS month and looking for a teaching job in this nasty educational recession... and he went through the same thing and had the same internal feelings. no fun.)

I haven't been crafting, sewing and antiquing in the past few weeks because quite frankly I just don't feel like it. Don't take this comment as me being sad because I am far from it. I'm loving life, just a little lost in limbo. And honestly, this heat is DE-PRESSING! I don't leave the house most of the week unless I have to. It's way too hot to even swim! I did a re-read and all of the above makes me sound so depressed and sad but I promise I'm not, haha! 

I'm ready for this....

Pumpkins totally represent anything fall.

The sound of football in the house because I don't really watch it.

Pumpkin Spice Creamer, YUM! Of course available year-round but who uses it any other time?

Fall fashion! Especially cowboy boots and jeans!

And for it to look like this outside because that means waaaay cooler temps around here!

And then this...what brings most excitement to my fall...

You won't believe what I did, and I never do things like this but glad I did. So I was driving home Monday night from class, an hour commute, and get a phone call from a wrong number. It was a vacation sales call. They said they had to offer it to me even though I wasn't the preferred customer they were calling...just because they called. So I thought, why not..what else am I going to do on this drive home...I could at least listen to their spiel. So long story short, I was intrigued but I don't ever make decisions without my husband. I asked the lady if she could hold, called my husband and merged the calls. I then said, could you please tell my husband what you just told me? We both said, "You wanna do it?" "Sure, sounds fun!" So we bought a vacation through the Wyndham hotels and resorts. It's a 4 day, 3 night vacay to one of several locations for $169...for everything, for two people, for the whole trip. Sooo we decided that we are going to New Orleans in October because A) we really want to go there and B) we can drive and won't have to pay outrageous airfare. Sounds like a fantastic trip that we won't break our bank for! We.Are.Excited! Ready for the atmosphere, food, night life and just all around good time! (and I can wear my boots and jeans comfortably) 

So I've been researching the Wyndham Hotels in New Orleans. I want to stay somewhere authentic, so I can get the whole experience. That means in the French Quarter right in the middle of all the action. So far, two that I like are not even close to authentic, but I love them because I'm a hotel snob and I really like nice, clean and up-to-date don't take my words out of context because I'm totally down for the Hilton Express...that's nice, clean, and up-to-date to snobby? No. Just certain preferences. I love the W, but I'm a would I stay there? Yes, but on someone else's dime. You get me?

These are in the running:
1) Wyndham Riverfront New Orleans
2) Wyndham Garden Baronne Plaza New Orleans
3) Bourbon Orleans Hotel
4) Wyndham La Belle Maison

1 and 2 are obviously the least authentic but sooo clean and new. Also, some have more stars than others in terms of how people rated their stay but I read some and they are ridiculous. A big deciding factor is it easy to walk to several places? So if anyone has any input or actually knows which would be the best PLEASE comment! Oh and one more thing, I am REALLLLY excited for the food because I LIVE for spicy food! I like it so spicy that it burns my mouth, makes my eyes water and my nose run! I know, I'm weird.

Back to the sales call....

And then the lady said, "Mrs. Clark you are eligible for a second package, same as the first, for only $88!" I said, "Well, HOT DAMN! Sign me up!" I didn't really say that, I really said..."Hmm, sounds tempting...$88 for 4 days/3 nights in a nice hotel...hmm, wellll, ya, I'll take that one too." So next year sometime when it's warm we are going to Destin! I'll have to watch for really great airfare prices because you KNOW that I don't like to pay full price for anything! We are very excited for both trips but obviously for New Orleans because that's in about 3 months! (Oh and I forgot to mention we have to listen to a two hour sales pitch for a time share that we WON'T be buying!)

Annnd looking for a teaching job, what a time to finish school and look for a teaching job. Worst.Timing.Ever. Who knew in December of 2009 when I quit my job to pursue teaching that this mumbo jumbo pile of crap educational job freeze/job losing/no money fo' no school would be happening? Not me! (raising hand)

But all of my other teacher friends that are in the same boat are also raising their hands. We can do it ladies! It might take a year but we will teach. There's my motivational speech for the day. Trust me, I've been in a much worse position...with a job or two. So I know, this isn't as bad as it gets.

Other News...

I'm still running. I ran a 5K on the 4th of July with my SIL-Merry and well let's just say I've had better runs. I'm up to running 6 miles, but my ankle had been aggravating me for a week or so, but I just ignored it. Welp, I ran a 5K...3 measly miles and injure my ankle for real after mile 1. So I walk mile 2 and run most of mile 3. Needless to say, I was very disappointed. It was my first race too :( So I took this past week off and David came home with two different ankle braces one night (sweet thoughtful surprise).

What I've learned from running a race:
-Running outside and running on the treadmill are two different things...I have now (as of today) started running outside. I ran 3 miles to ease myself back into it and can hopefully run my long run of 7 miles this week or next week.
-Pace is really hard, so I must run outside to learn how to pace myself rather than the treadmill where my pace is set.
-I'm extending my training into the Fall because its way too hot and after an injury I don't want to push myself to only get injured again.

My fab SIL Merry! She's a great little runner with all kinds of cool runner things like this great water bottle that her hand slid into and had a zipper pouch and tennis shoes made to fit her foot! I'm not that cool...maybe when I'm a little more hardcore one day when I near my 13 miles! She's a great motivator and always has tips for me!

GEL NAILS! I love gel nails, they are so fabulous!

That is my real nail with just polish and my nails look fake and fabulous! I've had this polish on for a week now! The last time I had my nails painted they were painted for three weeks. It's just polish...can you believe it? I highly recommend this for ladies that like to have pretty nails but don't want fake nails because fake nails are painful and so bad for your nail! DO IT! 

Food For Thought...

A couple of somewhat healthy snacks that I've been enjoying...

These are everything (as in the bagel) pretzel thins. They are delish with some laughing cow!

Greek with honey already in it...portion control is nice.

Have you tried Hungry Girl recipes? There are some I like and others that I don't. It's real hit or miss. 

I did not like my homemade Chinese food...

I just liked the egg drop soup. I looove egg drop soup!

I did like....

They are BOMB.COM! She even includes weight watchers points on all recipes for you ladies doing weight watchers. David even LOVED them! That's sayin' a lot for a meat and potatoes guy. He probably lost 5 pounds for each sandwich that he ate, you know how easy it is for guys to shed pounds. Whatever, it's just annoying. 

Annnd last but not least, we've had a visitor for the past few weeks...

Meet Lucy girl. She's in the purple collar. Lucy is Tuff's sister, not biologically. My sis and BIL got Lucy their first year of marriage in 2003 and then got Tuff about a year later. They lived together for about 5 years and then I adopted Tuff from them because it was just too busy at their household with the twins and two dogs. Then my parents adopted Lucy a few months ago because now it's really too busy with the twins and a 1 year old. My parents have been traveling so I've had Lucy girl going on three weeks and loving every minute of it! I just love it when Lucy and Tuff are reunited because they really love each other. Aren't they such sweet brother/sister schnauzers?! :) Yes, they are. 

My posse.

They follow me around all day every day. David just laughs at me because I'm so accustomed to carrying on conversation with them so when he's home he gets a full dose of the dog talking voice and is probably thinking..."My wife needs to get out more!" Lucy girl is front and center.

Welp, that's all I got! Wedding this weekend, David's birthday the next and this, that and the other in between!

Things to take from this blog post:
1) I'm not depressed-just need to be busy with something new
2) Get excited for Fall
3) Tell us where to stay and go in N.O.
4) Get Gel Nails
5) Make Hungry Girl pulled pork sandwiches


  1. LOVE this post!
    2. I am SOOOOO ready for fall! I HATE summers in the south...they are just miserable.
    3. I have never been to New Orleans, so I have no suggestions on places to stay. :)
    4. What exactly are gel nails? Is it just finger nail polish or is it an actual nail? Can you tell I never do anything with my nails? HA!
    5. I've always wanted to make pulled pork sandwiches...will definitely try this recipe.

    Love you :)

  2. Thanks Jame! Oh your heat must be sooo miserable! Gel nails is just polish, it's the awesome bc it doesn't chip! Yes, try the pulled pork! Yummy and a healthy version! Love You!!!

  3. Will do! Can't wait to try the nail polish and the pulled pork!! <3
